【2nd album】Family Restaurant
2nd Album / Kico - Family Restaurant
自身が何より大切に感じている家族愛を詰め込んだ2nd Album「Family Restaurant」
2nd Album “Family Restaurant” is full of family love which she cherishes the most
A song born from actual accident in which someone who became too concentrated on game hit a child. It’s a song about endless greed of human that would eat up the Earth.
【東京 / Tokyo】
A song born on the day when she came to Tokyo for the first time and stood on the scramble crossing in Shibuya.
【パパへ / Dear Dad】
A song that expresses her feeling to her father which she couldn’t address at the age of 15.
【シアワセノサイン / Sign of Happiness】
A song about her family who killed oneself. With a hope that people all around the world who have lost their dear ones by accident, natural disaster or physical / mental life-span could, as time passes, be embraced with happy memories rather than deep sorrow.
【売れる歌は歌えない / Can’t sing a blockbuster】
A song born from her feeling toward her demented grandfather and her grandmother who cuddles him.
【魔法のレストラン / Magic Restaurant】
When I was little, since we were poor and couldn’t go out to eat, my parents opened “Magic Restaurant” at home. It’s a wedding song for her younger sister with the memory of sisters sitting on the table with the best dress up.
01. Introduction
02. Holic
03. 東京
04. パパへ
05. シアワセノサイン
06. 売れる歌は歌えない
07. 魔法のレストラン